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I am trying to find a numerical solutions to a DE system with a following code: n = 4; variables = Table[ToExpression["\[CurlyPhi]" ToString[i]], {i, 1, n}]; equations = {399999.99999999994` \[CurlyPhi]1[t] + 1/6...
I was notified, that I attached a wrong file. :) That is true. the attached file was wrong.
That works! Thank you! But I wonder why it only works for small value of n? If n=5000, than this doesn't work anymore.
Works really nice! Thank you!
Could you PLEASE publish that code where you disentangled all /.? Because the thing is, this is not my code and it is basically impossible for me to understand it - my knowledge of Mathematica is far below that. I simply copied it from the link I...
Ok, I have found the problem... It's if sentence... If you replace StandardForm["Opening"] with 0, everything works.
Ok, so I have 25 rods. Each rod with different lengths defined in a table chordlength={295.21, 295.21, 294.755, 293.27, 291.085, 288.395, 284.575, 279.89, 275.225, 269.995, 263.84, 256.695, 247.85, 238.06, 228.83, 219.175, ...
I found this code online bezier[pts_List] := With[{n = Length[pts] - 1}, Evaluate@ Sum[Binomial[n, i] (1 - #)^(n - i) #^i pts[[i + 1]], {i, 0, n}] &] And than yfn[pts_] := Piecewise[ Function[pp, ...
That was even more embarrassing that I thought it was going to be. -.- Thank you!
Yes, I thought about it too, but the problem is that I am afraid that the physical interpretation is completely wrong if I calculate the surface under the curve. Because whatever function (or curve) I will choose, will actually be force in terms...