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d2 = {{3, 2}, {4, 1}, {5, 6}} a = {18, 32, 50} d3 = Table[{d2[[n, 1]], a[[n]], d2[[n, 2]]}, {n, 1, 3}] This will yield 3 18 2 4 32 1 5 50 6
Thanks to all of you for giving a lot of knowledge and clear the confusion
I see many errors here. When using *Mathematica*, you should test each function before using it as a building block. For example, try typing `laplaceTBNAB[1]`. You've done an excellent job of factoring the problem, so this approach to debugging...
It makes no sense to localize `x` and `y` with `Module`. They get rewritten from the arguments, so `g[4,1]` produces `Module[{4,1},...]`, which then can't be evaluated. It might make sense to localize `z` and `c`, except that they are unnecessary....
s[r_, \[Alpha]_] := \[Alpha]*r G[r_] := Exp[-r] (* I assume *) f[r_] := Sin[r] (* I assume *) xxSum[r_, \[Alpha]_] := Sum[(-s[r, \[Alpha]])^k/k!*D[G[r], {r, k}], {k, 0, 4}]; xxLAB[r_, \[Alpha]_] := xxSum[r,...
Welcome to Wolfram Community! Please make sure you know the rules: Please do not bluntly solicit help. Show your own effort with code first!  The Wolfram Community site discourages questions that lack serious user effort...
Thank you John, this was so helpful
For completeness we should mention that you can use MATLAB's dos command to call any program. And there is WolframScript: >> cd('C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfram Research\WolframScript\') >> [status,cmdout]=dos('wolframscript.exe -code...