User Portlet User Portlet

I have a very large expression: j - Sqrt[q^2 + qp^2 - 2 q qp Cos[\[Theta]]] - \[Sqrt](qp^2 + 1/2 (16 m5^2 + ma^2 + mp^2 - Sqrt[(-(16 m5^2) - ma^2 - mp^2)^2 - 4 (ma^2 mp^2 - 16 m5^2 qp^2)])) == 0...
I've noticed that in some situations the clipping is not done properly, despite the explicit setting PlotRangeClipping->True: So I plot some complex function: Plot[{my function}, {M5, 0, 400}, PlotRange -> {{0, 400}, {0, 1500}}, Frame...
it's done.
Hello! Could you tell me about how to take the next numerical calculation in mathematica? (perhaps there are special packages). I have an expression (in reality slightly more complex): $V=x^2 + \int_a^b l \sqrt{l^2-m^2} \left(\text Log...