User Portlet User Portlet

Rodrigo Murta
Hi Vitaliy, Thank you for the nice post. Is there any application of this issue in environmental or civil engineering? Thank you for your time. Cheers,
Examples for: **Functional(Delay ) Integro-Differential Equations Involving Caputo Fractional Derivative with initial conditions or boundary conditions .** NDSolve[{CaputoD[y[x], {x, 1/2}] - 3 y[x - 1] + Integrate[y[2 t],...
Thanks for you reply Bob.
Hello all. Is there support for "Change Streams" in MongoLink? I would like to monitor for changes in a MongoDB database within Mathematica. I am currently able to do so with CouchDB because it...
![enter image description here][2] -- you have earned ***Featured Contributor Badge*** ![enter image description here][1] Your exceptional post has been selected for our editorial column ***Staff Picks*** and [Your...
As a matter of fact, Mathematica & Wolfram Language have been using functional programming since the beginning. Many popular OO languages have now functional programming capabilities, such as: - Java -...
The unexpected behavior exhibited by the cloud can be explained with something like ``` Attributes[myevaluateFunction] = {HoldAllComplete}; myevaluateFunction[input___] := WithCleanup[setup[], input, teardown[]]; ``` `CloudEvaluate` could...
For easier copy-and-paste, **Internal`StringToDouble** was renamed to **Internal`StringToMReal**
At the moment in Mathematica 13 the `Dataset` implementation is still less efficient than we'd like, but we are working on it.
Well, I'm not entirely sure why, but `Dataset` seems to need both vertical and horizontal alignments to be specified. In the documentation, the default `Alignment` for `Dataset` is `{Left,Baseline}`. Maybe when you just set `Alignment->Center` all it...