User Portlet User Portlet

Nikolay Murzin
All you have to do is to define what gate would correspond to each arity hyperedge, if it's just Z, CZ, CZZ, etc., then something like this works (assuming a simple hypergraph with only unique vertices in every hyperedge): ``` ...
Use "Expand", the "SubcircuitLevel" was a bit confusing, and now you can also specify diagram options for each individual sub-circuit. Check some examples here:...
![string rewrite systems: reduction, tragr, paths][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]: [2]:...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Interesting. Using Wolfram Quantum Framework, this AME can be tested like this: 1/36 QuantumPartialTrace[ QuantumState[N@Flatten@AME46, 6]["Bipartition", #], {1}] == QuantumState["UniformMixture", 36] & /@...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
By default, only the first level of sub-circuits is shown; you can either flatten your operator with op["Flatten"] (or flatten just a few of them up to some given level op["Flatten", level]) or increase the level like this op["Diagram",...
QuantumCircuitOperator doesn't have options of its own. The "Diagram" property is calling the internal CircuitDraw function, you can get its exclusive options after filtering out some System options that it also takes: FilterRules[ ...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]: