User Portlet User Portlet

I am fairly new to Mathematica, so I apologize if this question is very basic, but I was unable to find what I was looking for in other help documentation. What I am wanting to do is create a pop up menu where someone could select the temperature...
I used NDsolve for a first order ODE which results in an Interpolating Function for y[x]. My question is how do I use the values of this function y[x] in some other function f(y[x])? I do not really care what the values are for f(y[x]), but rather...
Thanks, I was using NDsolve and m[0]==0.2. The initial boundary condition m[0] must be less than one as the airflow will encounter shocks at the inlet driving the mach number below the sonic condition. Could NDsolve be used as well? Also, what...