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Hi everyone, I read an interesting tuto on mathematica. Pretty interesting for electrostatic: [On the importance of being edgy in electrostatic][1] I'm trying to find the trajectories of charged particles with random initial conditions in the...
Finally I solved the problem. It seems mathematica has problem with absolute values. I tried to plot the Vector plot of the gradient. I noticed there was a problem in the derivative of abs[x]. Therefore I replace abs[x] by Sqrt[x*x]. It works...
Fantastic,it works. I knew it was a small mistake. I spend so many times on it. FYI, the function Psi is quite long and complicated to write as it is a Thebychev-Fourier serie. Many thanks.
Thanks a lot. it was very helpful. Your comment gave me some hint and I found the analytical form of the Fourier transform which is a sum of Gauss's hypergeometric fonctions.:)