User Portlet User Portlet

Hi, I want to clear all symbols but i want to keep just J and GradientDescent in this group. ?Global`* Global` A i n x x4 \[Alpha]$ $3 $8 bfp J n$ X X$ \[Theta] $4 cp lp predict1 x1 y \[CapitalTheta] $5 ...
Hi everyone, How we input the "|" in Mathematica for alternative pattern matching like the following code: Cases[Range[1, 100], x_/;Mod[x,2]==0 | Mod[x,3]==0] Thanks in advance! N.B: Sorry, I feel stupid! I found my error! Have a...
Hi folks, Is there a way to compute, like in the R language, a two-way contingency table? I don't find any built-in command to do that, any clues? Steeve
Hi everyone, I'm looking for a database link between Mathematica and [url=]MongoDB[/url]. Is it possible? I see nothing about this in the DatabaseLink reference. Any ideas? Steeve