User Portlet User Portlet

LSP (Language Server Protocol) modules generally do not provide code-aware syntax highlighting and navigation functionality. This is where syntax parsing technology like tree-sitter comes into the picture. ...
Unlikely ... or at least not without a lot of effort on your part. There is a post on the web somewhere about someone managing to accomplish something similar for a non-Raspbian distribution on their Pi. It would be helpful if Wolfram would start...
I stumbled across this excellent post while searching the following website for a roll-your-own implementation of Lisp in Mathematica: [Make A Lisp][1] Quite to my surprise, the Wolfram Language was nowhere to be found on the list. ...
Does the plugin support Language Server Protocol's "semantic tokens" yet for better code highlighting? Visual Studio Code support for semantic token providers is described [here][1]. [1]:...