User Portlet User Portlet

Hello Everyone, Both solutions to this thread work really nice for me in the front end. However if I export as an xls I get this in my cells With Richard solution: TemplateBox[List[StyleBox["\"Key\"", Rule[FontColor, GrayLevel[0]],...
This may also be used : ListLinePlot[Table[First[IntegerDigits[n^2]], {n, 100}]]
= (11/x+1 )^-1 which = 184 184 * 11 - 1 = 2023
I have reported this as a bug.
The following code is a very cut down version of what I am working with in terms of size. I have restricted the range of numbers to a max of 42, in my version it is 118, also the number of lists are over 11 million, for this demonstration I have...
Try this. Partition[Flatten[Import[...]],{2}] Or Flatten[Import[...],1]
Thank you everybody for your help.
Here is the Dynamic result I made from your solutions. I applied the solution of Hans Michel, but I will make versions with the other solutions as well, just to learn. Thanks again to all of you :-) Attached the nb with my latest version. Beat
Thanks, JP
Trevor, Thank you for your quick reply, your code is certainly faster without the subsets. here are a few results showing how much faster on the following length of list 1097 is x 39 3280 is x 78 9841 is x 2.68 29524 is x...