User Portlet User Portlet

Nice finds you two, now that's something to report ( )
Or this: ClearAll[a,b,c,F,G,list,n]; n = 10; a = RandomInteger [{1, 10},n]; b = RandomInteger[{-10, 10},n]; c = RandomInteger[{1, 10},n]; F[i_][x_Real]:=a[[i]] Exp[ -(x - b[[i]])^2/(2 c[[i]]^2)] G[x_Real] :=...
The "Insert > Inline Free-form Input" operation is missing from Mathematica Online ( ). What can I do?
Very cool. I was trying to recall the name of that effect for some time now. Here's another nice video of it in space:
I also think Mathematica/WL needs and deserves more attention and tool support for larger projects. I'm still trying to get my head around how WolframAlpha was built using the IMO rather primitive Workbench Piggybacking on Eclipse... I don't...
Same problems here.