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Great suggestion - Thank you John
Ah, that explains it ...
Hi Rohit The most promising solution I have found so far is to create a "Launcher.nb" notebook where I carry out the "checkPreConditions" and only then use NotebookEvaluate("Launchee.nb") if the checks pass. This seems to be working well and...
That's great Eric. I'll go with SameQ (another one new to me) as it seems to be the neatest.
I take all your points and I am gradually becoming more comfortable with the docs. I will definitely bear in mind the Options function.
Thank you very much, Rohit. Following your example I now have it working just fine and I am attaching the revised, working notebook (the previously uploaded notebook actually contained two typos which would have prevented it from working properly...
Thank you. The second of those seems to be the more appropriate and I have been experimenting with that approach. Most things are working fine but I have two issues with the result. One is that I can't seem to get the y-axis major tick marks and...
In which case I'll go ahead and post what I intended in the first place. Thanks for the feedback.
In response to the comment above, the relevant section of makePlot[] looks like this: result = ListLinePlot[.....] Return[result] and makePlot[] is called in this section of code (aciid1 and acid2 are the source data for the...
Thanks Rohit I am attaching a notebook which compares the PlotMarkers used with "Automatic" and those obtained from Graphics`PlotMarkers[]. I am using the PlotMarkers from this code {filledcircle, filledsquare, filleddiamond,...