User Portlet User Portlet

Pedro Fonseca
I would just like to comment on this one: > I would say, it seems there is a lot to be done to UNDERSTAND the behavioural patterns of new (potential) users, especially in corporate (!!!) Actually, if the corporate world was such a relevant...
Related: [][1] [1]:
I have imported a bunch of images from a PDF file, which, besides the problems listed on the other question I posted today (related to the apparent absence of a ASCIIHexDecode decoder), originated images that, visually inspected, seemed identical to...
I know that this is a typical incoherence that exists between raster and non raster coordinate systems. But is there a specific reason for this to be revealed on the following example? im = Import["ExampleData/rose.gif"] ![enter image...
I have several PDF files, coming from scanners, that apparently have the raster streams encoded with the ASCIIHexDecode filter. From the message I get from Mathematica, it doesn't seem that this decoder is available: Unknown Filter type...
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! RadarChart[{aux = Join[{10}, #, Reverse@#] &@{8, 8, 7, 8, 9, 2, 1, 1}, Join[{0}, #, Reverse@#] &@{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10}}, Filling -> Axis, PlotStyle -> {Green, Brown}, Epilog ->...
During WTC 2015, some of us had our heads 3D scanned, which was quite fun and educational. But I (we?) never received the 3D file back. Is this still planned? I was hoping to do some computations on my head, like: ...
I wonder how much the user experience varies from one continent to another. I have the feeling that the responsiveness of the system is not the same everywhere (I mean, beyond what one would expect). And I believe the same happens with the community...
Should I report this as a bug?
(I hope this is not a repeated question) When we write Quantity[ 1, "Newtons"], Mathematica has an automatic suggestion of Newtons and not newtons. This seems strange, because N or newton is the name we give to a standardized force...