User Portlet User Portlet

Two problems: First: AssociateTo needs the name of a variable (a1), not the variable contents ( ). Similar issues can appear with AppendTo, see the first Possible Issues example on its documentation page. AssociateTo has HoldFirst,...
Thank you very much for all your comments. It looks like the Welcome Screen might not be the only source of delay, but definitely a large contributor. Follow-up questions, if turning off the Welcome Screen considerably sped up your Mathematica 10's...
Notebooks and derived CDF files relate 1-to-1, so any notebooks that are to become part of the same CDF file need to get combined into a single notebook file before deploying the latter as a CDF. Of course you can combine two notebooks by hand by...
It is supported in WPC: ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=ScreenShot2014-07-03at5.38.43PM.png&userId=25392 It's just not displaying quite like in a desktop Wolfram Language product. Compare with...
Vincent, specify t. Note that your solution does not exist on the entire {t, 0, 10} interval. Try `Manipulate[ Plot3D[Evaluate[z[x, y, t] /. sol], {x, -Pi, Pi}, {y, -Pi, Pi}, PlotRange -> All], {t, 0, 5.27}]` Peter
Jaydeep, Plot[ListPlot[...],...] cannot work. I think you should probably take a close look at the syntax of Plot, ListPlot, and Show resp. I would encourage you to simplify your problem as much as possible, if you still can't solve it, and post...
One possible approach: In[2]:= {2 #[[1]], #[[2]]} & /@ a1 Out[2]= {{2, 43}, {246, 54}, {248, 78}} For this you might want to review Map and pure functions: ...
In[1]:= f = Plus Out[1]= Plus In[2]:= f[1, 2, 3] Out[2]= 6
Wolfram|Alpha accepts English language input, not necessarily all types of mathematical expressions. Mathematica using Wolfram Language, whose capabilities you are implicitly accessing via Wolfram|Alpha, is probably the most efficient tool for your...
To iterate the various Nest* functions can be helpful: