User Portlet User Portlet

Why the value of "Images" is always null? This launches the Mathematica kernel via IKernelLink (the last for including the path to MathKernel): string[] mlArgs = { "-linkmode", "launch", "-linkname", ViewModelMain.mathKernel }; ...
I can start Mathematica from C#, but the CubeOfCubes.nb argument cannot be found (The file "CubeOfCubes.nb" could not be found.). private void BtnKubus_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Process P = new...
I develop a WPF application in C#. A part of code is: mk.CaptureGraphics = true; mk.GraphicsFormat = "GIF"; mk.GraphicsHeight = 100; mk.GraphicsWidth = 150; mk.UseFrontEnd = false; mk.Compute("Graphics[{Thick, Blue,...