User Portlet User Portlet

Great find! It seems really odd to me that one works and not the other. I'm going to report this as a bug just to see what they have to say about it. Thanks for your help. /Peter
Thanks HÃ¥kan! Yes, that workaround does it for me too in a document. Other things like the Wolfram Cloud Dashboard I can't get to work at all. I suspect that the date issue is the cause for that. Can you get Dashboard to work, i.e. to show...
Yes, that would be aliasing. Default sample rate for Play is 8000 Hz, I believe. You can set another one with option SampleRate->44100, e.g. As a side note, totally irrelevant to you question but some fun, here is a way to generate a very simple...
As I understand it you mean that 100 and 40 are lengths and k*x and k*y are angles. Then the lists inside the list you should give to AnglePath will be the reverse of what you wrote since it needs the length first and the angle second. This...