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E.g., Hash["x","SHA256"] and Hash[ByteArray[{120}], "SHA256"] give different hashes, and neither agrees with the SHA256 hash of the single octet 78 (hex). Is there a way to get the hash of a specific octet sequence?
This: Table[If[j == i, j, If[j > i, 1, 0]], {i, 1, 10}, {j, 1, 10}] // MatrixForm Gives this: ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=Image1.png&userId=367348
Thanks Ilian, that resolved both problems.
Root 1 is given by applying the first rule in the output: In[1]:= x /. Solve[((A (120 x^5 - 300 x^4 + 200 x^3) - 20 B) U)/(F^5 X^5 (1 - X)^5) + ((C (120 x^5 - 300 x^4 + 200 x^3) - 20 D)...