User Portlet User Portlet

Hi Curtis, in the case you are just interested in how one can calculate the inverse of a matrix, you could type within mathematica: WolframAlpha["inverse of {{20, 13, 8}, {0, 14, 18}, {8, 0, 0}}"] and then click "Step-by-step solution"...
Nice trick to combine **Select** and **RandomChoice**. This speeds up my algorithm a lot! Thank you so much!
The code above is for for the use in **Mathematica**. If you use the Wolfram Alpha app or the Wolfram Alpha website you just can type in (for example): 1+I*2 where `x=1, y=2`. Beside other information a plot is provided. You can use the...
Hi David, thank you for `Nothing`! I will take your idea, because it has a slightly better performance (I' am working with a list of 40,000 entries). Thank you very much!
Wow, that's great! Thank you Henrik.
Thank you very much. It works beautiful.
Hi Susan, you could use the **Solve[]** function to solve these equation: Solve[(3 r + 6)/9 == (4 r - 24)/4, r] And if you want to see the step by step solution, you can type in: ==Solve[(3 r + 6)/9 == (4 r - 24)/4, r] The two...
Hi, I would like to do a model fit with consideration to the x- **and** y-errors. For the sake of simplification let's consider the following dataset: data = { {"x values", "y values", "x errors", "y errors"}, {1, 0.2, 0.1,...