User Portlet User Portlet

I create many objects in the Wolfram Cloud. They are all connected by menu bars and form a complete application. All objects are stored in a cloud folder. As we create a release for every sprint it becomes more and more important to backup the...
The code below shows a simple multi page webform consisting of 3 steps. For each step going forward i need the code for that step to be evaluated. Only when I am in step 3 and switch back to step 2 (via browser back button (can a previous button be...
This generates 2 points and shows tooltips when hovering over them CloudDeploy@ ExportForm[ Graphics[{Red, PointSize[Large], Tooltip[Point[{51, 3}], "Hello\nThis is a tooltip"], Tooltip[Point[{45, 5}],...
The following code produces a Map with a point and some text added: test = GeoGraphics[{PointSize[Large], Black, Point[{3.5, 52}], Text["Text on a Map", GeoPosition[{52, 3.5}], {0, 1}, {0, 1}]}, Frame -> True, GeoRange ->...
This does work in IE and chrome but the pictures don't show in Firefox. What went wrong? mypic1 = Import["ExampleData/lena.tif"]; mypic2 = Plot3D[Sin[x y ], {x, -3, 3}, {y, -9, 9}]; Export a grid with 2 pictures. Move the pictures to...
Just a simple plot: > rr = Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 10}, Background -> Brown] The plot is placed 4 times in Grid: > res2 = Grid[{{rr, rr}, {rr, rr}}, Spacings -> {0, 0}, Frame -> None, FrameStyle -> None, Dividers -> None] Export to...
I have a dashboard consisting of 6 to 8 pictures. This dashboard is generated based on 2 values for amplitude and phase. So after entering the 2 args and pressing submit in a webform I would like to see the result immediately. Should look something...
My goal is to publish a formula on a public webpage. here is a formula: z = FourierSeries[SquareWave[xyz], xyz, 3, FourierParameters -> {1, 2 Pi}] launch a webpage using MathML: CloudExport[z, "HTML", "MathOutput" -> "MathML", ...
This code uploads a file via a webform to your cloudserver: CloudDeploy[ FormFunction[{"file" -> "UploadedFile"}, ( #file ) &, "HTML"], "test", Permissions -> "Public"] the result is a Cloudobject of the...
How to link a CSS file to a Wolfram Cloud webpage... First a realy simple css text producing a blue background. cssfile = " body {background-color: #b0c4de;}"; This is the webpage calling for cssfile.css pg = " ...