User Portlet User Portlet

Patrick Scheibe
Also added this explicitly. thanks!
This is a great idea. I'm struggling mightily with Workbench, which has been left in the dust behind WL's new paclet robustness. There are a number of issues right now that would be no-brainers for an active open-source dev. community to fix. ...
Just tried this and no, it did not work :/
That looks pretty awesome Patrick! I'm sure many would find this useful for posting songs on youtube
## How to cite Rubi If you want to cite Rubi in your scientific work, you can now refer to the official paper in the Journal of Open Source Software we have prepared in the last 2 months. ...
There is an interesting compiling talk in additional:
Thanks! Yes, the ```r``` integral diverges, but the ```1-3z^2``` term seems to rescue convergence in the 2D integral. This term alternates signs twice between ```z = -1``` and ```+1```, so it's plausible that this is possible. This is a funny...
Since your package came up in several discussions so far and most notably [in this highly discussed post on StackExchange](, I'd like to leave some words. There are two things I appreciate in your...
Syntax highlighting for prettifying online or offline code is widely used today. Here on Wolfram community, we use a [plugin for the google-code-prettify]( framework that I initially hacked...
Thank you very much, Unevaluated[] is exactly what I was lookin for. That the function in the argument ist evaluatet first, was logical for me. I was only confused, because I thought that then the first output must be the symbol "a" and not 2. My...