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Dear Sir, I'm getting some plot as below: Clear[\[Mu],x]; \[Mu]=-1; eon=\[Theta]'[t]==\[Mu] Sin[\[Theta][t]]-Sin[2 \[Theta][t]];//Simplify; sol=NDSolve[{eon,\[Theta][0]==1/2},\[Theta][t],{t,0,50}][[1]] ...
Hi Bill, The above code has helped me immensely. Thanks. But when I change the equation, like the following one it does not work. sols=Table[x/.DSolve[{x'[t]-r*x[t]-x[t]*e^x[t]==0,x[0]==0},x,t][[1,1]],{r,1,3}] ...
Hi, I want to plot a [pitchfork bifurcation][1] plot for a DE. I tried with the code as below. It does not show any error but does not show any plot either. I want a plot for x* versus r . Plz advice. Clear[x]; r=-3; ...