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Thx Henrik, the best solution ![1][1] [![1][1] ][2] [1]: [2]:
Finally, let's take B[[3]] Bz4[x_, t_, x0_, y0_, z0_, W_, T_] := -I2[T/2 + z0, t*W - y0 - W/2, x - x0] + I2[z0 - T/2, t*W + y0 - W/2, x - x0] Bz2[x_, x0_, y0_, z0_, W_, T_] := Bz4[x, 1, x0, y0, z0, W, T] - Bz4[x, 0, x0,...
Hello Arm, There are many ways to accomplish what you're trying to do, and Manipulate certainly isn't the only option. For the sake of my answer, I've chosen to use Manipulate since that's what you were attempting in your question, but it's worth...
I'm on Mathematica 11, and it looks like `VoronoiMesh` and `MeshCellStyle` were both introduced in Mathematica 10.
I want to manipulate a list of 644 elements ListTEST={{i1,x1,y1,z1,d},{i2,x2,y2,z2,d},.....{i644,x644,y644,z644,d}} where **i** comes from iteration, d is a constant, and values **x,y,z** are are values after differential equation was...
Amazing!!! I see how you define piece by piece and integrated over defined region. Thanks a lot sir.
Yes I think you are right! Thank you,