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Ok yay got rid of that error thank you!! Yea my data is only for w, please tell me there's some simple solution to that? .... Here's what I tried: fit = FindFit[data[[1, 1]], model[a, b, q, v, z, y, d][ w], {{a, 54, 7, 150},...
Here is my new code: DAE = (s'[ t] == -p3 (r[t] s[t] c[t]/(p1*p2))/((1 + s[t]/p1) (1 + c[t]/p2)) w'[t] w'[t] == p3*p5 (r[t] s[t] c[t]/(p2*p2))/((1 + s[t]/p2) (1 + c[t]/p3)) - w[t] ...
Hi, I have a set of ODEs that I've evaluated using NDSolve, none of the variables can go below zero and my x'[t] is, how can I state this?  [mcode]sys = {x[0] == 0.0001, y[0] == .00000000000000000144, z[0] == 0,     w[0] == 0, eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4}...