User Portlet User Portlet

Thanks for reporting this. I've created an issue on GitHub to track this [here][1]. [1]:
There's a ResourceFunction that does something similar: ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
I may be biased, but in my opinion, one of the most useful features of resource functions is the ability to easily save a function (including necessary dependent functions) for later use. For example, I just recently wrote this function...
> However this temporary local file does not have the .xlsx extension and the FileFormat function which tries to determine the type of file then thinks it is a ZIP file (which it might actually be, I am not sure). It looks like XLSX files are...
I think this thread could use some [BirdSay][1]: ResourceFunction["user:rhennigan/BirdSayCommunityPost"][ "" ] ![enter image description here][2] [1]:...
For your question regarding section 3, you can use an EventHandler so that the boxes are evaluated when a particular key is pressed. For example: CurrentValue[ SelectedNotebook[ ], { InputAliases, "qty" } ] = ToBoxes @ EventHandler[ ...
When you use Put with a string as the location it just creates a regular file, not a CloudObject. What's happening is that viewing files with the cloud file manager is automatically generating the CloudObject metadata for those files. You'll want to...
I sometimes hijack the InputForm for MessageName as a hacky shortcut for entering units: MakeExpression[ RowBox[ { eStr_String, "::", units_String } ], StandardForm ] := Replace[ ToExpression[ eStr, StandardForm, HoldComplete ], ...
Something like this should work: (* Set this to the number of asynchronous downloads you want running at a time *) tasks = 10; (* Set these as needed *) user = "anonymous"; password = "password"; (*...