User Portlet User Portlet

Robert Nowak
Unhappy with existing ellipse fitting I present a function based on Linear Least Squares and SVD, the latter symbolically resolved and not directly used/performed for the actual fit calculation. &[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:...
try both and report your experience ;)
You are not talking about the discrete convolution. In Mathematica the discrete convolution is performed by ListConvolve. You might try to tabulate your functions over some discrete x / y region an then in deed perform a discrete convolution via...
Sqrt[(a b c + d e g)^2] // PowerExpand
A little bit late but nevertheless: FourierShift[a_] := RotateRight[a, Quotient[Dimensions@a - 1, 2]]
Nobody questioned that this works.
Hi Ehud What you are trying is called side effect programming which is considered as bad style and should be generally avoided in any programming. In partikular you are trying to pass a parameter by reference which is not the "Mathematica Way" . ...
Hello Yan Your original posting was almost empty, than you added a lot ... The operation you are looking for is the Amplitude Spectrum. Basically you are on the right way. FourierParameters is used for some sort of scaling either omit the...
Hello Werner Hope you like this one: In[25]:= MatchQ[{1, 20, 300}, {Repeated[Except[_List], 3]}] Out[25]= True In[24]:= MatchQ[{1, {20}, 300}, {Repeated[Except[_List], 3]}] Out[24]= False This follows exactly...
MapIndexed[{v, i} \[Function] If[Divisible[v, 3] || Divisible[v, 5], i, Nothing], Range@10]