User Portlet
Roberto Carniel is a Researcher of Applied Geophysics at the University of Udine. Since 1992 he is a member - and since 1997 the Secretary - of the Working Group "Seismic phenomena associated with volcanic activity" of the European Seismological Commission. Since 2007 he is Representative in the IASPEI/IAVCEI Joint Commission on Volcano Seismology. In 2008/09 he was a visiting temporary researcher at the UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico DF. In 2012/13 he was visiting researcher at the Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan. He authored more than 70 peer-reviewed papers in ISI journals. Since 2008, he is Associate Editor for Volcanology of the international ISI journal "Geofisica Internacional" published by UNAM, Mexico. Since 2011, he is a member of the Editorial Board of the international ISI journal "Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research", for which he also edited two special issues.