User Portlet User Portlet

Please, Help me to plot a graph of the solution of Equation of Laplace over the rectangle [{0.0;0.0},{0.1; 0.05}]. The following code does not work. H = DSolve[{u''[x, y] + u[x, y] == 0, u[0, y] == 0, u[x, 0] == 0, u[x, 0.05] == 0,...
Dears, I try to implement a program for evaluating the behavior of the stator and rotor currents of a three-phase induction motor , through the Eule´rs method.The rotor is locked and thus s=1. Nonetheless, I have not succeeded in plotting them,...
Please, friends, I ask your help. Based on my old minded and averaged skilled Fortran programmer, I would know how to build a matrix based on the Loop structure, as presented in the attached file. There is no need to having the same structure or...
Hallo, Would someone help me wiht the solution of this inverse, please ? Scabral
Hallo. I am dealing with a very simple problem of non-linear magnetic circuit. Thus, by solving the equation that gives me point of operatio, that is the real root, I cannot have it to manipulate for the sequence calculus. Would someone help me,...
Dear friends, I´m in trouble with a problem that seems to be simple to solve. But I have wasted too much time, without success. I evaluate two series with 1000 terms, for the sinus and cossinus components of the modulus as function of y that...
Hello, all ! I ask you please to help me. Some graphics present an insistent horizontal line that makes me nervous and I cannot eliminate it. It seems to be a bug. Or I am not able in using the command show correctly… Files are attached. ...