User Portlet User Portlet

Sean Cheren
....Also, a strange thing is that, on the PC where this worked, I no longer see this path in the environment definition box, and the list returned by a "path" command at the CMD prompt dose not contain this new directory, although the added directory...
Sean, I noticed that libavdevice.58 is missing in your list of links that need to be created manually! With this addition, your script works with Mathematica 13.0.1 under MacOS x86. Many thanks :)
Try this. Partition[Flatten[Import[...]],{2}] Or Flatten[Import[...],1]
Before I can get my hands on a opensuse test machine, can you check the library dependencies by StringSplit[ RunProcess[{"ldd", FindFile[""]}][ "StandardOutput"], EndOfLine] and send the output to...
This really is super cool, and looks similar to work we've done recently in Wolfram Language. Keep your eyes peeled for mail thread related elements coming in WL v13!
Thank you both for the quick responses with suggested solutions and explanations. I will then adjust my evaluations and pay attention to the speeds. The data sets are many MB in size and consist of decimal numbers, hexadecimal numbers and strings...
I suppose, although I've always reserved ZIP for delivery or archiving. I've never really considered repeatedly compressing and decompressing thousands of big files that are part of an ongoing workflow or project. Greg
Thank you. That's essentially the same as Sean's. I assume your posts overlapped, as they were posted within a few minutes of each other. .
Thank you Sean, that solved my problem.
Well, that makes sense (no pun intended). Thanks for the explanation Sean.