User Portlet User Portlet

Douglas (way up there), Sorry, I did not see your question. I probably thought it was me! Yes, Nature does know left from right. DNA or codons are given 5' and 3' ends based on the sugars in the sugar-phosphate backbone. In proteins, these...
The usage is consistent with, for example CountryData[Entity["Country", "UnitedKingdom"], "Coordinates"] which can then be used in a Graphics like this Graphics[{Line[ CountryData[Entity["Country", "UnitedKingdom"],...
Hello I missed this original post. Here is a belated congratulations to John and team on this spectacular achiement! WCC
You're missing a semicolon sol = Solve[x + y == 2 && x - y == 1, {x, y}]; x = x /. Flatten[sol]; y = y /. Flatten[sol] Undo the symbol damage with `Clear["x"];Clear["y"];` Re-execute and your answers will be OK.