User Portlet User Portlet

Shadi Ashnai
Also, if you want to train a neural net with those images you can perform an out-of-core training. See this example:
Something like this would work: ``` Manipulate[ HighlightImage[img, Inset[SectorChart[{{0, 0}, {0, 1}}, ChartBaseStyle -> Thick, PolarAxes -> Automatic, PolarGridLines -> Automatic, PolarTicks -> {"Degrees", Automatic},...
Thanks Scott for reporting. They are all fixed internally and will show up in the next documentation update.
[Recently we had a question][1] about a noisy microscope image of animal tissue, see image below. The goal was to get the contours for all biological cells boundaries. At the bottom image fades significantly but the human eye can still detect some...
No, it's not a clustering. It is a packing problem. Consider you rasterize all the words with the proper font size, orientation, etc and then you have to pack all the rasterized words into the given shape.
Here the markers are solid. Try this: In[82]:= Union[ PixelValue[image, PixelValuePositions[ColorDistance[image, Green], Black, .1]]] Out[82]= {{0., 0.976471, 0., 1.}}
Mathematica 10.2 has a new function for focus stacking called [ImageFocusCombine][1]. For now this is only one method implementation, with an option for choosing between speed and quality. Eventually, we will include more methods. [1]:...
A more straight forward approach would be something like this: Image[ArrayReshape[   List @@@ Array[Hue[.33, 1, #] &, 9, {0, 1}], {3, 3, 3}], ColorSpace -> "HSB"] [img=width: 150px; height:...
I just read a blog post on Defining and filling holes on the border of an image on [url=]Steve on Image...
Another approach to get a mask that is better aligned with the region-of-interest, and works even if the disk-of-interest is not exactly in the center of the image is to do a region growing segmentation from the four corners of the image. ...