User Portlet User Portlet

Shenghui Yang
FullSimplify[ AbsArg[ComplexExpand@SolveValues[z^3 == (1 - I) Sqrt[2], z]]] Also works.
There is an `Assumption` [option][1] in `Limit` or `DiscreteLimit` function: In[43]:= DiscreteLimit[(x1^n+x2^n)^(1/n),n->\[Infinity],Assumptions->0 \[Infinity],Assumptions->1
![infc][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]: [2]:
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
The steps are correct but the conclusion is wrong. The last step means the series uniformly convergent to a divergent series. So the series is divergent. Simply speaking anything parallel to $1/x$ on log log plot or can be squeezed between two...
*MODERATOR NOTE: a submission to computations art contest, see more:* ---------- ![img][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]:...
`PositiveReals` puts a constraint on every variable. A notebooks is attached with code. ![pr][1] [1]:
Root-Finding Fractal demo is also very attractive on this topic. [![enter image description here][1]]( [1]:...
*Grid lines are solutions for valid pair of $r$ and positive integer $n$ in the ceiling tower equation with 6 levels* ---------- ![sol][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]:...
I bought Mamikon's New Horizons in Geometry and I am really impressed by the quality of the context. MAA press prints some most interesting math books in market IMO. ![graph][1] [1]:...