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repoints = Table[{\[Gamma], Re[N[AppellF1[1/2, 3.5, 0.5, 5, 14.8/(14.8 - 1.25892 \[Gamma]), 7.4/(7.4 - 14.2257 \[Gamma])]]]}, {\[Gamma], 0, 15}] in the above expression..value of gamma varies from 0 to 15dB... ...
Bill u suggested for calculating table for real n imaginary points land then using Listplot i am getting curves separately for real and imaginary points cant i plot for magnitude of these point. i am attaching one result
Bill i got the listplot as suggested by you in the form attached below... i can get the numerical value by N[AppellF1[.....] individually and then plot.... but i will have to do a lot of work n gather data then plotting.... can u suggest the...
plot[AppellF1[1/2, 1, 1, 3, 2/(2 -[Gamma]), 4/( 4 -[Gamma])], {Gamma, 0, 15}] in copying above gamma symbol is replaced by Gamma... just to check is there any error in the syntax... not getting the plot
how to use mathematica for plotting special functions?