User Portlet User Portlet

Sjoerd Smit
Recently I updated my [Bayesian inference reporitory][1] with a new function called `BayesianLinearRegression` to provide a Bayesian alternative to Mathematica's `LinearModelFit`. I also submitted the code for this function to the [Wolfram function...
I recently wanted to learn more about recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and how to use them for regression problems. In particular, I wanted to try and combine RNNs with the ideas for Bayesian error bar estimation I discussed in my blog/community...
I recently finished a major overhaul of my Bayesian inference package on Github: and wanted to give a small overview of what it can do. If you're interested, the repository has a notebook with...
Hi all. In this post I want to demonstrate a package I wrote (and still tweak here and there), which implements Haskell-style lazy lists in Mathematica. Anyone who wants to play around with it can find here on Github: ...
This community post accompanies my Wolfram blog post [How Optimistic Do You Want to Be? Bayesian Neural Network Regression with Prediction Errors ][1], so if you find the following interesting, please give that a read as well. In the documentation...