User Portlet
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If you have as many records as you say you do then, I think you might look at the Mathematica function `BinCounts[]`. This will group your data into discrete bins, which you can define according to your needs. You can then plot, say, `C=f(A,B)`,... |
Do you mean find an exponential fit to your data? I presume your data is in the form of pairs {months since 13/31/03, number of users}? Not sure what you mean by "algebraically step by step"? Do you mean set up the calculation using the numbers... |
Go to Mathematica help and type the search term "pausing calculation." This should bring up a link called "Stop a Computation". If you scroll down you'll find a discussion on Interrupt Evaluation. What I've also done is to save my work using... |
You have *theta* as an argument for the function *Ks* but I don't see it referenced in the function's definition. If all you want to do is to plot the function for different values of *th* (*theta*) then something like this would work, ... |
I am getting a similar problem when I try to simplify a truly simple expression. My entire computer gets hung up in Mathematica 10. More than that, two different computers running two different versions of Windows hang up on it. However,... |
If you haven't tried it already, here's a possible solution to your problem: "Start the [front] end by double- clicking on a .nb (not .cdf), which will start the front-end to the full Mathematica program, even though directly executing the front end... |
The Infix Format In my search for examples on how to use Mathematica I have come across those which use infix notation. As we know, besides the infix format, Mathematica also supports prefix and postfix formats. The latter are probably the most... |