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But in your original code, you evaluate the integral with a generic `t` and `Integrate` returns an answer with conditions on `t`. In other words, `Integrate` fails to find a fully general solution. I'd use this: Clear[g]; g[t0_] :=...
You can weight the $c_i$ with an indeterminate `t^i`, and compute the series as a function of `t`: genus[Q_, n_Integer] := Module[{z, x}, SymmetricReduction[ SeriesCoefficient[ ...
Hello! I have this function: Clear[chernC]; chernC[0] = 1; chernC[1] = Subscript[ch, 1]; chernC[k_Integer /; k > 0] := chernC[k] = Simplify[(1/k)* Total[Table[(-1)^(j + 1)*Factorial[j]*Subscript[ch,...
I have a small issue with the code, if I have a term that should look like: $p_1^2+p_2$ the output is $p_1^2p_2$. And for all the cases where I should have something of the form $a+1b$ it becomes $ab$. If I have a minus sign, or the factor before b...
When `i=1` the `poly` in your code is a monomial, and the following code for `gcd` seems to be designed only for a `poly` that is a sum of monomials.