User Portlet User Portlet

I can not solve the equation: 111a-111b+11c-d=8765 using FindInstance: &[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]: Thanks.
It works..Thank you.. Could you help me to calculate "Cos[Dynamic[Clock[{0, 20, 1}, 20]]". I have also tried Dynamic[Cos[Clock[{0, 20, 1}, 20]]] and did not work.
I have looked up in the Mathematica Documention Center the answerfor my problem but unfortunatteny they make available only a few examples and details. My problem is to plot a contour of the function f(x,y)= Exp[-y^2 - x^4/4 + x^2], indicating the...
Dear: Reading the Core Language cited above I typed the following instructions:[mcode]odeplot[de_, y_, {x_, x0_, x1_}, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{sol}, sol = NDSolve[de, y, {x, x0, x1}, FilterRules[{opts}, Options[NDSolve]]]; ...
Dear: I agree with you. But Could youu tell me what #1 is? I do no understand why he choosed the ToRule because this means that the solution will come in the following format: {{x->k}}, this could this be found through Solve. Does #1 contains...
It is not mine. I just copy. I open the .nb file. His preview is totally wrong. Thank you
Dear, I was reading the Wolfram Demonstrations Source Code from I see many stranges commands and I would like to know where could I learn  them. I typed bellow part of the CDF file. Could you...
Dear: Reading the CDF infoKit I could see the following information: "Open InfoKit CDFs with Mathematica to view the language and structure behind each example". So I open with Mathematica...
Dear, I created a CDF file with the following command: [color=#555555][font=Courier][size=2] [/size][/font][/color][mcode] CDFInformation[Manipulate[Plot[Sin[a x + b], {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]}], {a, 1, 10, 1}, {b, 1, 20, 1}]] {"Size" -> {275, 254},...
Dear: In the example bellow how could I center my TableHeadings without using spaces in the definition of them but just using commands? Could you help me? [mcode]f[x_] = x^2; a = 0; b = 1; n = 2^m; \[CapitalDelta]x = (b - a)/n; nn = PaddedForm[n,...