User Portlet User Portlet

The combination of ChatGPT and the Wolfram Technology Stack has amazing prospects for global change. It completely changes the prospects for the Wolfram Technology Stack in my opinion as it offers the hope of much more of the World's population...
How do I add the Quantum Framework Palette to my accessible list of palettes?
Replace[{3.1,Pi,\[Pi],E,10,21},{x_/;Element[x,Reals]->Framed[x]},{1}] Unfortunately this also selects the Integers 10 and 21 which is the wrong requirement!
Brilliant piece of innovation Luigi! This may seem a really strange question but here goes anyway ... Is it possible that this concept could be applied to extract some semantic meaning from a corpus of text on a particular topic? For example if...
Dear Jan, This is a truly inspirational post which I intend to use as a wonderful example of the application of Wolfram Technology to Computational Knowledge generation to promote my new project: The Institute of Computational Knowledge. I...
Wow this input from Daniel Bigham is very exciting for me ... I had an exchange with Jon McLoone of Wolfram England last week which I trust he will not mind me sharing: Jon McLoone This is a reminder that "Making Predictions from Financial...
When I click on the link: I Get: ![This content isn't available right now][1] [1]:
Quiz1 PROBLEM 6 Which of the following will create a popup menu to allow the user to choose from among theoptions {“Sine”,“Cosine”,“Tangent”} to select the function for the plot? ...
Make a proper Classic Klein Bottle in version 11.20 of Mathematica? Surely a true Klein bottle would not have a surface blocking the "hole" as seen in the sectioned view below? ParametricPlot3D[klein[u, v], {u, Pi, 2 Pi}, {v, Pi, 2 Pi}, ...
You might want to explore the FullForms of the alternative expressions to see clearly the difference. Clear[fu]; c_ /; FreeQ[c, fu] fu[w] // FullForm fu[c_ /; FreeQ[c, fu] fu[w]] = ok // FullForm fu[w fu[w]] // FullForm ...