User Portlet User Portlet

Szabolcs Horvát
Nice to see LTemplate in action :-) You can also use ``` ImageCrop@Colorize[ sp@"CreateSandpile"[100000], ColorRules -> {0 -> Black, 1 -> Magenta, 2 -> Red, 3 -> Blue} ] ``` Since LTemplate works with classes/objects, one could...
I linked to a number of pointers in my previous posts: do those help?
This is a first experiment for me in inlining a notebook: &[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
With the IGraph/M package, it is easy to map one graph property into another one, e.g. to map edge weights into edge styles. Here's an example weighted graph, with weights between 2 and 10. g = RandomGraph[{10, 20}, EdgeWeight ->...
Just be sure to also set `"CurrencyTokens" -> None`, otherwise there can be bad surprises: ``` In[103]:= ImportString[ "1a;23 1b;56 1c;78", "Table", "FieldSeparators" -> {";"}] Out[103]= {{"1a", 23}, {"1b", 56}, {1, 78}} ``` Oops,...
Maybe like this? ``` asc = Import[ "\ de-hospitalizados-por-coronavirus-en-castilla-y-leon/download/?format=\ ...
Nice to see a very cool use of MateX!
Can you explain in more details those hoops you feel you need jump through? Surely you do not mean the simple matter of having to use `.` instead of `*`?
It seems that `wolfram-engine` only lists Oracle Java 8 as a valid dependency. This is no longer present in Raspbian Buster. To save users trouble, maybe it would be a good idea to allow opendjk-8 as well? Or does this have known compatibility...
Thanks for the response. Yes, you are correct. I finally noticed too. I kept staring at Germany mostly, which did have a small increase, which is part of the reason why I was confused.