User Portlet User Portlet

Szabolcs Horvát
People who are looking at this might find this independent implementation, made for SGE and a specific HPC cluster, useful: An issue specific to this system was that ssh would not work, and rsh (a specific...
I was just about to try it on IGraph/M. Then I saw that you already did :-) Very cool package. You might want to post an answer here:...
Try using Wolfram|Alpha (a system that takes natural language input only) for something non-trivial and get it to do *exactly what you need*. I think that experience will answer your question.
[IGraph/M]( has a function to generate triangular graphs, with coordinates attached. "Name"] ![Mathematica graphics]( Get the coordinates like so: ...
Next time, if you cross-post, please links the posts together. To sum up the answers there, your notation considers `2->3` to...
This one is actually easy to find ... e.g. googling "image to matrix Mathematica" takes me straight to `ImageData`.
Do not use `LayeredGraphPlot`. Use `Graph` and `GraphEmbedding`. Look at the 2nd argument of `GraphEmbedding` and also at `GraphLayout -> "LayeredDigraphEmbedding"`.
Last off-topic message in this thread—if you have figured out a way to control ImageJ/Fiji from within Mathematica, even in a very rudimentary way, please do send me an email. We can continue the discussion there then.
Sander, `RemoveAlphaChannel[img]===img` is terribly inefficient and couldn't be considered more than a workaround. What I meant was ImageMeasurements[img, "Transparency"] which is perfectly good, *except* that it is very hard to find....
The point I was trying to get across: - Your expectation is culturally determined, thus there is no "correct" notation. There is no universal notation. - If you pay attention to W|A's output, there can be no confusion.