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I defined the following function Catalandef[t_][u_, v_] := Cos[t] {u - Sin[u] Cosh[v], 1 - Cos[u] Cosh[v], -4 Sin[u/2] Sinh[v/2]} + Sin[t] {v - Cos[u] Sinh[v], Sin[u] Sinh[v], 4 - 4 Cos[u/2] Cosh[v/2]} and I want...
I typed the following code in a new .nb : enneper[u_, v_] := {u - u^3/3 + u v^2, -v + v^3/3 - v u^2, u^2 - v^2} zz:= ParametricPlot3D[enneper[u,v], {u,-2,2}, {v,-2,2}, PlotPoints->{20,20}] S @ Shadow[zz,...
I want to find, with basic method, the general solutions of the following equation$$ y'''(1+y'^2)^\frac{3}{2}=3y'(y'')^2. $$ The answer of this one is short and without any suggestion: $$ x^2+y^2+cx+dy+e=0$$ I tried to use Mathematica to solve...
I would like to know how it can be possible,in Wolfram, to plot an explicit graph of intersection of two surfaces. For instance: 13x^2+40y^2+4z^2+28xy-8xz-8yz-x+y+z+1 and x-y+z Thank you very much!
I've tried to make a torus such that I can vary the parameters, the code I've typed was:                               [mcode]Manipulate[ ParametricPlot3D[{(2 + Cos[s]) Cos[t], (2 + Cos[s]) Sin[t], Sin[s]},   {t, 0, tRange}, {s, 0, sRange},...