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Hello Everyone, I had asked a question a few days ago, thanks for the answers. Now I need to improve this code. I have to draw a circle at only 24 different points like this: [mcode]x1[\[Psi]_] := Cos[\[Psi]] y1[\[Psi]_] := Sin[\[Psi]]...
Hello Everyone, I am trying to plot a circle, I wrote a code like this:x1[\[Psi]_] := Cos[\[Psi]] y1[\[Psi]_] := Sin[\[Psi]] When I want to plot a circle, I am using parametric plotĀ [mcode]ParametricPlot[{x1[\[Psi]], y1[\[Psi]]},...
Hello Everyone, I have just started to learn Mathematica. I am trying to writing data to a file from loop like this: calc1 := For[i = 1, i OutputForm] Write[a1, calc1] Close[a1] It doesn't work. Can you help me please? Thanks. ...