User Portlet User Portlet

Thibaut Jonckheere
Terrific contribution! I have an interest in multipoints since there is one near where I live where six borders meet; if we discard one of them (which is a mere boundary of a property), it is definitely a quintipoint, although in administrative...
Oh, thanks a lot, this was the problem. I just installed a package containing it and the problem is solved. Thanks again, Thibaut
Even if `Diagonal[]` is not compilable, one can use `Transpose[]` instead in a compiled function to extract the diagonal: cf4 = Compile[{{mat, _Integer, 2}}, Transpose[mat, {1, 1}]]; (Using `CompilePrint[]` shows that the function has...
Thanks a lot for the detailled information ! I was not expecting the problem to be simple - and your message and your experience confirm that Mathematica+Linux+Cuda is not a trivial combo. I will try to solve my problem step by step... Thibaut
Thanks, hope you like it!
Wow, this is also excellent ! Using built-in function to do the job is of course optimal (but now we want to know how FindClique[] proceeds :-) ) I am wondering if there is a connection between your method of solving, and Knuth's [X...
Very very cool? Thank you for share the idea and code in community. It looks like a model of simulating AGV (Autonomous Guide Vehicle) with laser guide. One idea, so far most of AGV guiding method is based on 2D maps. However, if it can be...
![enter image description here][3] - you earned "Featured Contributor" badge, congratulations ! This is a great post and it has been selected for the curated [Staff Picks][1] group. [Your profile][2] is now distinguished by a "Featured...