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Tim Laska
Hi, this is a late reply. But I found your answer to be informative. What did you mean by "solve (1,2,3) symbolically using **proofs**"? What are the "**proofs**" here? Is it a lecture note? I do not have access to the "princeton.pdf", could you...
Thank you for your help! It has evaluated up to "Sorry, next step is kind of time-consuming." So, the problem has been fixed.
You could use `wmic` and `RunProcess` like so: RunProcess[{"wmic", "cpu", "get", "name"}]["StandardOutput"] "Name Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4930MX CPU @ 3.00GHz "
That works great. Thank you. (s9 = RandomInstance) EuclideanDistance[c, a] /. s9["Points"] 7.52881
![enter image description here][2] -- you have earned ***Featured Contributor Badge*** ![enter image description here][1] Your exceptional post has been selected for our editorial column ***Staff Picks*** and [Your...
Hi Tim, This is extremely useful. Maybe, more like a game-changer. I got it working myself about an hour ago. Next week, I will hook it all up with NDSolve properly. Thank you for telling me OpenCascadeLink. It really will help. Antony
Dear Tim, thank you very much for the reply. That is exactly the contribution, I was looking for. I had a look at a number of your very nice contributions on your website (?) but at that time I had found them while tackling an entirely different...
I don't know if anyone is trying to use the geospatial statistics method? For example, IDW(Inverse Distance Weighted) or Kriging. I use an example obtained on the Internet to try to make the IDW method.
![enter image description here][1] - Congratulations! This post is now featured in our [Staff Pick][2] column as distinguished by a badge on your profile of a [Featured Contributor][3]! Thank you, keep it coming! [1]:...