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Suppose I have the expression: c q u - i q x - c w y + e x y - e u z + i w z I'd like to be able to run FullSimplify or Simplify on it and get this: Det[{{a, b, c}, {d, e, f}, {g, h, i}}] One can argue that the evaluated form is... |
I think I may have found a possible answer to my question: My code is a pure Newton Rapshon method whereas Mathematica actually uses a dampened version of this method with some builtin intelligence as to how to pick a damping factor to prevent the... |
As a habit anytime I start getting unexpected results I completely shutdown Mathematica and start a fresh session Quite often the culprit turns out to be some leftover variables from previous computations This is not the case here though. As... |
Trying to establish a connection to MS SQL Server 2014 - is it supported? The jTDS driver version is 1.3.1 /which appears to be the latest/ says the supported sql server versions are ... 2000,2005,2008,2012 without any mention to 2014. Has anyone... |
Merci otnovo Iliane! Interesting - turns out this was not as simple as I thought..The routine seems to work just fine and does the job. In this case the answer I was after was indeed 8, but I wasn't sure if other valid answers existed. Finally just... |
I'm not quite sure why this for example works fine: Person /: SetName[per : PPerson, name_String] := per /. {Name -> name} In:=SetName[p, "George"] Out:=Person["George", "xxx-xxxx", 34., "US"]And this doesn't:[mcode]Person /:... |
Merci Iliane! Super e! |
Thanks Daniel and Jari for the great links - looks like this is indeed a well defined mathematics problem which I was unaware of. |
Yes it is...the entire nb file actually contains just one initialization cell |