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Hi, I noticed the GPT2 1.5B model is still not part of the repository. Are there plans to add it? I assume its absence would be noted, given the wide interest in GPT models.
You have to pay attention to spaces ``` Select[NetExtract[lm, {"Output", "Labels"}], StringContainsQ["hitman", IgnoreCase -> True]] (* {" Whitman", " Hitman"} *) ``` The vocabulary token is `" Hitman"` with capital H and a space at the...
Hopefully, asking the right questions, hopefully leads to finding the right answers.
&[Wolfram Notebook][2] [2]:
&[Wolfram Notebook][2] [2]:
Yes, the definition of 'poly' was missing, corrected now. Thanks to both of you.
The definition of All has been changed in NetTrain since then (and now reflects all the properties you can get from NetTrain, because why not, without using extra computational efforts). It helps you gain more insights on the training process, the...
Hashing error is slightly better when the background color is preserved during rotation, but still consistently drops to 75-80% bit match. They probably hash rotated images to avoid this shortcoming however. Considering two unrelated cat pictures...
![enter image description here][2] -- you have earned ***Featured Contributor Badge*** ![enter image description here][1] Your exceptional post has been selected for our editorial column ***Staff Picks*** and [Your...
![enter image description here][2] -- you have earned ***Featured Contributor Badge*** ![enter image description here][1] Your exceptional post has been selected for our editorial column ***Staff Picks*** and [Your...