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Hi guys, I am trying to plot the following functio as a vector field in 3D Piecewise[{{{(3*z*(1 - z^2/(x^2 + y^2 + z^2))*Log[ro/ri]* Sin[\[Phi][x, y, z]])/(4*Sqrt[x^2 + y^2 + z^2]), ... |
Hello all, I am trying to take Fourier Transform of a function and I would love some pointers on how to best approach it. My function is a function of (r,phi) and it is a piecewise function where: f(r,phi) = 0 , r r_outter I've... |
Hi guys, I am trying to solve an integral of the form F(x,y) = Cos[ ArcTan [x,y] ] As you imagine, the argument ArcTan[x,y] will spit out values from -pi/2 to +pi/2 as you sweep across the quadrants. If I took this integral in polar coordinates,... |
Hello, I've just begun using WA recently and am very fond of it. At the moment I am working on solving an integral and I want to know if WA can help me calculate it - I'm a bit stuck and can't seem to figure out why things aren't working... Many... |