User Portlet User Portlet

Hello David, Apologies for the delayed response. Thank you for explaining all the concepts in detail and providing a well defined approach for problem solving and modelling. It really helped in the understanding of different aspects and the...
Hello, I am new to Mathematica and was going through a few simulations and animations, and trying a few things like Rotations and Transformations. I had one doubt, is there any way to rotate the bowl along a certain axis while the marble is...
q = {{x[t]}, {y[t]}}; dq = D[q, t]; ddq = D[dq, t]; dx = D[x, t]; dy = D[y, t]; ddx = D[dx, t]; ddy = D[dy, t]; KE = 0.5 m (x'[t]^2 + y'[t]^2); PE = m*g*y[t]; L = KE...
Got it, can see the list of projects now
Is there any way that i can rotate this rectangle without using Geometric Transformation? Say, multiply every end coordinate of the rectangle with the function defined for the rotation matrix? Multiply every end coordinate with rot [a_] where...