User Portlet User Portlet

55296 (otherwise known as d800) is the first code point in the [reserved range][1] for UTF-16's surrogate pairs. Values in that range are technically invalid to use (outside of their intended use in UTF-16 encoded strings). [1]:...
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Thank you. Your reply makes sense, but it is misleading for the output of SyntaxLength to depend upon anything other than the string itself, without getting into speculations about what might lie "beyond" the string. No one would be ever be...
Quite certain this is a bug. Please report.
It is certainly interesting that s[s[k[s]][s[k]]] reduces [a][b][c] to c[a[b][c]], and also very striking that s[s[k[s]][s[k]]] manages to annihilate itself in the process, but how was s[s[k[s]][s[k]]] arrived at in the first place? It it unique?
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
Dynamically reflecting image from webcam: parflip[arg_Image]:= ImageRotate[Image@Transpose@ImageData@arg,-Pi/2] twinsho[size_]:= Dynamic@Show[ImageAssemble@{{parflip@CurrentImage[],CurrentImage[]}},ImageSize->size] ...
This is very interesting. I suspect you used a pretty high quality video camera (compared to, say, an iPhone 6s). I have fooled around with using iPhone videos to track various thrown projectiles (such as an indoor (so as not to damage the walls) ...
&[embedded notebook][1] [1]:
Or, one can say that an inbuilt symbol that do not change its evaluated output if its given an argument, in square brackets, can be considered to be a constant. Like `Red`: In[1]:= Red Out[1]= RGBColor[1, 0, 0] In[2]:= Red[7] ...