User Portlet User Portlet

Helo, David The same thing happened to me; your blunt description was clear and accurate. I have retreated to v12.0.0
Refer to the documentation for *Ticks*. You'll want to write an option such as: Ticks->{xTicks,yTicks} where xTicks might be Automatic, and where yTicks might be something like: Transpose[{label1,label2,...},{position1,position2,...}] It...
Thank you, Tim, this is helpful. However, I observe that when *PlotTheme -> "Classic"* is used with DateListPlot, horizontal grid lines appear. Reading the documentation for *PlotTheme*, this surprised me -- once again, *ListPlot* and...
Your book appears interesting. May I suggest that you make a chapter (or portion) available for free, so that people can sample before they buy? (On Amazon, one can often read the first chapter of a book before making a purchase decision.)
The Mathematica documentation (for both v9 and v10) states "Filling is an option for ListPlot, Plot, Plot3D, *and related functions* that specifies what filling to add under points, curves, and surfaces." (My emphasis). I would assume that...