User Portlet User Portlet

Chip and me were discussing his function a few days ago, when I mentioned to him that this can be used to implement Lloyd relaxation in 3D. In the spirit of [this 2D Lloyd implementation][1] and [this spherical Lloyd implementation][2], I present the...
Hi [Dan Bach][at0], thanks for your kind words. Yes, looking for 3D analogs of 2D objects or vice versa is something that is inspiring me these days. See you around. Chris [at0]:
Hi Ben and Gianluca - I put in a couple of options that will draw an empty graph with bold axes and a visible 20 x 20 grid. Graphics[GridLines -> {Range[-10, 10], Range[-10, 10]}, Axes -> True, AxesStyle -> Thick, PlotRange -> 10] ...